About Us

Σion International Language School is the language institute of Σion International University, founded on January 16, 2013 by the Commission For Independent Education of the Florida Department of Education (EEUU) and according to the regulations that rule religious institutions in this State from the law 1005.06 (1)(f). We are registered as a non-profit organization as it is shown in the database from the Division of Corporations of the Florida Department of State.


To offer methodological and technological tools for the process of learning a foreign language and its culture so that all of the students from ZIU can complement their academic training in regard to their personal or labor purposes.


To be one of the leading foreign language virtual institutes among all the universities using this way of teaching.


Professor Ivan D. Moreno. Doctor (PhD) in Instructional Design and Technology (Keiser University – EE.UU); Master in Implementation of New Technologies in Education (Barcelona University – Virtual) and Bachelor in Languages and Sociocultural Studies with a major in Foreign Language Teaching (Los Andes University – Colombia).


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